I love gold"

    Posted by freddy123321 on 18th of Apr 2011 at 09:20 am

    I love gold"

    Yep I'm a gold bug

    Posted by matt on 18th of Apr 2011 at 10:07 am

    Yep I'm a gold bug too, however the commodity is leading, the pm gold stocks are lagging quite a bit, thats at least a short term warning sign

    Yep, and now gold is

    Posted by matt on 18th of Apr 2011 at 10:15 am

    Yep, and now gold is $8 off the morning highs, when the gold stocks are down strongly be careful of that divergence.   Also gold hit a high of 1499, that's pretty darn close to that $1500 price target and round number.  we'll see


    Posted by freddy123321 on 18th of Apr 2011 at 10:36 am

    key area,short term


    Posted by orderstat500 on 18th of Apr 2011 at 10:11 am
    Title: Matt


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