Moves were similar...

    I think this is wave 2

    Posted by sanrafael on 8th of Apr 2011 at 04:39 pm


    I think you're right.  I need to become more nimble in playing the corrections.  Since there is more strength in the Metals, do you think the miners will gain some of that? Do they need to get confidence that the metals are for real? It seemed that everytime there was a slight weakness in the metals, the miners over-reacted... 

    Too hard to say...

    Posted by lessarda on 8th of Apr 2011 at 04:51 pm

    I've been long GLD for a long time and don't trade around it, except to add at support -- did so at the 150 again recently. I like the stocks for trading because they do trend up and down more. The GDX system combined with shorter term signals has shown over time that this is a viable way to approach the PM stocks. I would just listen to Matt & Steve on this over time in the newsletters and blog and test things out with small positions to get comfortable with whatever approach works best for you. 


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