Not trying to bait anyone. 


    Posted by jtverr on 13th of Mar 2011 at 07:25 am

    Not trying to bait anyone.  If you ask Matt or Steve, they may even tell you that they read McHugh AND EWI.  I don't know for sure, but I would if I were them.  When people post from these two sources, I just find it frustrating to see all the bashing, that's all.

    Someone brought up McHugh's opinion that the American people should recieve tax relief rather than bailing out Wall Street and I happen to agree with it.  

    Ok, understood.  My point was

    Posted by ducksoup on 13th of Mar 2011 at 10:18 am

    Ok, understood.  My point was not that I disagree with McHugh about the need to support the middle class.  I actually agree with him on that.  I just don't think suggesting that the federal government rebate several years of taxes to the middle class all at once is a realistic option. 


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