M3 Switch

    Posted by vimal on 7th of Mar 2011 at 03:43 am

    I read many comments that M3 Switch follows the trend well. Infact I have bought the indicator myself but have yet to conduct one key analysis

    If it follows the trend well, then by definition, it must be net positive in terms of yielding S&P points if you simply buy or sell based on the indicator

    Does anyone have stats going back 3-4 years that provides information on its overall performance? From eyeballing it, it looks fine but indicators can give visual illusions as it were

    As I say, i will do this analysis in April when I get some time out from work but in the meantime, wasn't sure if anyone had done this exercise

    I would love to have

    Posted by algyros on 7th of Mar 2011 at 07:56 am

    I would love to have that information as well.


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