SPY -60Min...

    Posted by saturn6 on 16th of Feb 2011 at 02:41 pm

    I also like the 'Harami' outside the upper BB which are pinching with WM% dropping below the upper signal line and negative divergences. But do they mean anything anymore???

    I am short S&P at

    Posted by vimal on 16th of Feb 2011 at 02:58 pm

    I am short S&P at the mo from the beginning of this week and it ain't much fun. I think what we seem to be getting is a move up which is the famous final 5th wave and then this gets superceeded by the alternative count that sees us propell higher to an alternate target

    Once we get to the alternate target, 2 more scenarios take hold and we move up again to a new final 5th wave based on one of the 2 new scenarios and the process repeats itself

    So I doubt haramis, divergences etc will have much stay.....as they can easily be negated by that famous alternate scenario


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