I trade Lumber through spread

    Posted by vimal on 25th of Jan 2011 at 03:00 pm

    I trade Lumber through spread betting which is something that you can do in the US. Its just a normal bid-offer quote on the spot futures price. Also the same with rice which is quoted as "Rough Rice". Not sure why its called "rough" rice.

    Google Lumber and also Rice and look at their respective prices over the past few years. They really haven't participated in the rally. Its not easy to get charts for them but you should be able to dig up one or 2 through some sites via Google

    Thank you.

    Posted by lessarda on 25th of Jan 2011 at 03:27 pm

    dow 12k

    Posted by hazbin1 on 25th of Jan 2011 at 03:30 pm

    me thinks that 12k will wait until wed open. to show how much the mkts (aka spin doctors) 'liked' tonight's state of the union speech. then the ensuing selloff can be blamed on FOMC. sounds like a plan to me. Wink

    they say

    Posted by perthx on 25th of Jan 2011 at 03:40 pm

    they are saying Obama wants to freeze spending for 5 years. At these levels, I am pretty sure the USA is bankrupt before that 5 years is over.

    Maybe that is what the USA should do...borrow and spend and then just say , oh sorry we're not paying anyone back. Then a dictatorship can run the USA for 10-15 years and sort things out. Ok maybe not a dictatorship, just the Chinese?


    Posted by zach06 on 25th of Jan 2011 at 03:11 pm

    I've traded lumber too on good housing numbers...  the bid ask spread is kind off wide ....so hopefully you are trading in the correct direction


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