SPX 15

    Posted by steve on 21st of Jan 2011 at 12:01 pm


    Notice how the SPX found resistance at the previous breakdown level.

    this chart has me concerned short term

    Posted by perthx on 21st of Jan 2011 at 12:04 pm

    another of Steve's SPX 15 min

    right on support


    ...coupled with the bearish rising

    Posted by vimal on 21st of Jan 2011 at 12:09 pm

    ...coupled with the bearish rising wedge eurusd chart to me shows potential for some downside.

    Near term the SPX is

    Posted by steve on 21st of Jan 2011 at 12:14 pm

    Near term the SPX is getting oversold and the move down off the highs does not look impulsive. 

    not impulsive but

    Posted by perthx on 21st of Jan 2011 at 12:36 pm

    or should I say yet? Looking at the 15 minute charts gives pretty good view.

    It may not look impulsive yet, but if the drop so far is only a wave 1, it is the wave 3 that will need to amaze.  And if this decides to make a bunch of 1-2 1-2s then what?

    this could just be the C wave I have been posting thoughts on, so the 5 wave structure should still play out....but if a wave 3 and not a C then things will need to get ugly fast. And my guess is it wouldn't happen til Monday anyways but who knows. Would love to see this morning's gap filled today!

    Heck could just be pausing before the next blast to new highs!!


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