Bank Safety

    Posted by pthoreson on 22nd of Jul 2008 at 08:33 pm

    If any of you get some of the same questions I have had from friends and family ("oh, I know you trade in the stock market, what can you tell me about XYZ Bank?") then this link might prove helpful. I have not used the service linked in the website, but it sounds like a valid and relatively cheap means of determining if your bank is in any danger.

    The last thing we want is for anyone we know to lose their money in a bank failure. However, it is nearly impossible to say with any degree of certainty that any specific bank is about to go under. I have advised family members to move accounts out of one specific bank, had I known of this service I would have had them use it and make their own decision.

    All the best.

    I have been using Veribank

    Posted by arl3080 on 23rd of Jul 2008 at 03:38 am

    I have been using Veribank ratings service for about two years now--excellent service--worth the subscription


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