

    Posted by zach06 on 18th of Dec 2010 at 07:53 am

    Frtaylor....nothing like shorting an inverse ETF?  LOL

    yeah, hadn't thought of it

    Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Dec 2010 at 09:18 pm

    yeah, hadn't thought of it that way - !

    many people swing short reverse

    Posted by Michael on 18th of Dec 2010 at 09:40 am

    many people swing short reverse ETFs to attempt to mitigate the deterioration inherent in levereged ETFs.  Also sometimes its just more convenient, or the share price is much higher, making commissions lower on a per share basis...............or maybe he meant that he went long TLT, which was a short on TBT, since TBT was the topic under discussion. 


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