constant manipulation getting me down

    Posted by perthx on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 09:43 am

    Yeah bad jobs data so the SPX future are off 8 point but when the market opens they barely drop it 4 points before rallying back.  Free markets my butt.


    Posted by searay on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 10:55 am


    And $VIX is DOWN 5+% !!!!

    Posted by flmaia on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 09:50 am

    Totally agree,heavy manipulation by the

    Posted by honzer on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 09:44 am

    Totally agree,heavy manipulation by the fed/gov/goldman

    Manipulation (if you want to

    Posted by curranjohn46 on 3rd of Dec 2010 at 10:38 am

    Manipulation (if you want to use that word) increases volatility.  Does it not?  And if you manage your risk accordingly and capitalize on the prevailing trend then volatility is a wonderful thing.

    Gold stocks are highly volatile, which is why I love them. 

    Embrace "manipulation."  What's to hate? 


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