Looking for some good books

    Posted by curranjohn46 on 22nd of Oct 2010 at 02:17 pm

    Anyone know of any good books on the following:

    1). Trading psychology --I want to better identify my personality traits so I can trade accordingly.  Or become more aware of any flaws that may hamper my success.

    2). Designing and backtesting mechanical systems.  I have learned a lot here at BPT about staying with the trend, and being mechanical to eliminate emotion.  But I think I can learn even more if I go through the complex process of creating mechanical systems.   I am not even clear how to backtest somebody else's system.  I just want to read what I can on backtesting without spending money on some expensive software that I am not sure I can even trust.

    FYI.  Reading this PDF from the original Turtle Traders prompted my post:  http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/files/turtlerules.pdf

    Love to know what people think of it as well. 

    Thanks for the recommendations on

    Posted by curranjohn46 on 22nd of Oct 2010 at 03:36 pm

    Thanks for the recommendations on psychology books.  Any recos for developing trading plans, mechanized or not, are also appreciated. 

    Ditto - Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas

    Posted by evne01 on 22nd of Oct 2010 at 03:21 pm

    Inside the Investor's Brain by

    Posted by lachasse on 22nd of Oct 2010 at 02:22 pm

    Inside the Investor's Brain by Richard Peterson

    Trading in the Zone by

    Posted by Michael on 22nd of Oct 2010 at 02:19 pm

    Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


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