
    Posted by ocracoke53 on 16th of Jul 2008 at 09:14 am

    I think Steve's comments on Earnings are on the money, it seems like a real gamble to hold a stock through earnings in this environment. MDT doesn't post until Aug. 19th, but MER will post after the close tomorrow. I believe EarningsWhispers.com has the consensus est on MER at 2.07 with their est at 2.50. Perhaps if they are correct this may help the financials. I'm not holding MER but did pick up UYG yesterday near the low - will hold today unless it looks like its going to continue to head south. This will take care of my gambling fix.


    Posted by rgoodwin on 16th of Jul 2008 at 09:29 am

    Unless I am reading the chart wronf - they concensus is a LOSS of $2.07 and the Whisper is a LOSS of $2.50. If earingswhisper.com is correct, wouldn't that be a negative for the market?

    rgoodwin, my bad you are correct

    Posted by ocracoke53 on 16th of Jul 2008 at 09:33 am


    my bad you are correct - may have to exit that UYG a little early.


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