starting to believe...

    Posted by curtis on 28th of Sep 2010 at 10:39 am

    I'm starting to believe in marketguy's statements about the Fed, and any and all entities here and abroad buying futures, currencies, whatever it takes to prop the markets up.  As soon as the lousy, worse than expected numbers came out at 10 AM, the dollar sold off, EURUSD went almost parabolic, and the futures and markets came roaring back.  So after 2 terrible reports came out, everything goes up?  Unbelievable.


    Posted by searay on 28th of Sep 2010 at 11:54 am

    So funny 90 percent of the posts here are about shorting or the market falling apart. Matt again can you put the  Bull Bear poll Back up. In 2009 it was 80 percent bears in here.

    It depends on how you

    Posted by cw12 on 28th of Sep 2010 at 12:01 pm

    It depends on how you play it. You can make good trades both ways. Shorting resistance and buying support has been working. For example, short yesterday at resistance, and cover this morning on the drop.

    aapl current trend/channel is so obvious right now that I am sure everyone was putting in short to trigger(and stop losses) at break of that.....

    60minute chart on aapl right at 60ema.....will be interesting to see how it close

    Why fight the Fed? They

    Posted by 88888 on 28th of Sep 2010 at 10:48 am

    Why fight the Fed? They have been doing this since the beginning. Ken Fisher put it rightly so; "there's no new normal, we're just chimps with short memory"

    Prices are just a nominal number. 

    Two terrible reports mean they

    Posted by parrrich on 28th of Sep 2010 at 10:48 am

    Two terrible reports mean they will start QE2 faster than people expected, that's one reason. 

    Have you heard of the

    Posted by pdel on 28th of Sep 2010 at 10:47 am

    Have you heard of the plunge protection team?

    Got to take short profits

    Posted by cw12 on 28th of Sep 2010 at 10:46 am

    Got to take short profits fast in the current environment.


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