awesome! (and explains why I don't listen to any news/blogrolls etc).

    yes, great video.  That was

    Posted by Michael on 4th of Sep 2010 at 10:45 am

    yes, great video.  That was me for way too long.  Now I have changed  -- I think it will be ridiculous if the market makes new highs before a serious drop, but I also totally believe it could happen.  I totally believe the market can be wrong longer than I can remain solvent.  Also, I always had one of the financial channels on, now I never have the tv on while I'm trading.  I just sit and watch the charts.       

    On another note, maybe we get a little pullback or consolidation but it would not surprise me if the market goes higher next week, in which case I would start scaling in shorts.  The market has been often overshooting support and resistance before reversing.  Daily chart still looks bullish to me.


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