abc could go to 1067-8 and fill today's gap

    SPX 1

    Posted by sue2 on 24th of Aug 2010 at 01:27 pm

    If this is an ABC starting at the lows of the day, then A would have been from the 1046 low to the 1060 high = 14 points, then B may have ended just under 1054 a few minutes ago, so C may end at 1067-8, 14 points above the 1053-4 low of B, and fill today's gap. if A = C.

    Sue 2 you maybe right

    Posted by thermo on 24th of Aug 2010 at 01:31 pm

    Sue 2 you maybe right that b ended, will see. the first target of c around 1064 and the second maybe 1067.




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