A paid for house

    An August Surprise from Obama?

    Posted by airstream on 5th of Aug 2010 at 02:36 pm

    My wife and I last year decided to sell our expensive house in the Bay area and move to Idaho and we paid cash for a beautiful home that gives us a huge feeling of security. For me it is like buying an annuity as rent on a comparable house  up here would be   $2500 a month and I could not get that return on 400K to 500K  in a safe investment if there is such a thing anymore.  You have to live somewhere so for me I love not haveing to write a check each month to send to some bank.  If things get really rough in this economy we will have a place to live.  We are also debt free. I spent most of my life being a debt slave  but  leverage does not work for you anymore .


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