abc corrections

    SPX View

    Posted by bensjoyce on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:30 pm

    Steve-  In abc corrections must c always (or usually) is lower than a??


    Fomc minutes at 2pm.  I was thinking the minutes may complain or worry about the economy, causing the S&P to go down in c.

    must c be lower that a?  can it stop above a?  ie does not take out todays lows.


    Posted by steve on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:38 pm

    My chart below shows a completed abc expanded flat off the 1097 high (not 1099)

    This would imply that the 1088 low this morning was a 3-3-5 (abc) expanded flat off the 1097 wave 3 peak. Notice the b-wave of the flat exceeded 1097 to 1099 and then the c-leg fell below the a-leg low of 1095 to 1088.  This is very typical behavior of an expanded flat where b=1.22a and c=1.62a.  This wave (4) could also morph into a triangle if it drags on in time.


    I will post a triangle diagram above.

    Follow up Comment

    Posted by steve on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:48 pm

    To get another push up as I discussed below, the SPX should really close above the 50 day MA at 1094. Clearly, the upside move is losing momentum and starting to wane. 


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