
    Posted by radrian on 14th of Jul 2010 at 10:41 am

    Do we have an A-B-C correction underway on the SPX/SPY? Take a look at the 5-min chart.

    you posted no 5 min

    Posted by bensjoyce on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:08 pm

    you posted no 5 min chart.  Do you mean the low at 10am in A now we top in B

    and then where do you typically see C down to?  ie higher or lower than A?

    The SPX and SPY appear

    Posted by radrian on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:15 pm

    The SPX and SPY appear to have negated the possibility so it's moot at this point. My thinking was that the drop from yesterday's close was "A"; the bounce off today's low was "B"; and there would be a "C" down to complete.


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