Wow, only one change a

    529 Plans

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Wow, only one change a year!  well maybe the long term SPX system from 1961 or one of the long term MA systems like the 50/200 EMA etc.  

    however sometimes those can do a whipsaw and two trades in a year, really with only one trade a year, your hands are tied. Are you sure about that?  Maybe they mean one switch a year into a certain fund, but if you moved say from Long the market to cash then back long the market but to a different long fund, maybe it wouldn't count??  You should check on the details of that more

    No its one change per

    Posted by cspirit on 7th of Jul 2010 at 12:35 pm

    No its one change per year Matt .. Example - I want to exit and go to cash then buy back in say three-four months down the road.  You cannot.  You have to wait one year.

    Thats too damn restrictive

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2010 at 01:04 pm

    Thats too damn restrictive

    Yes but you get the

    Posted by cspirit on 7th of Jul 2010 at 01:18 pm

    Yes but you get the TAX Free end when withdrawing and if you have more than one child if older child doesn't use all of it then it can be used for younger one etc. 

    Worst case Obama will pay for college for me kids .. O wait I make too much money now because of BPT .. Dam you Matt & Steve why are you making me Rich Sealed

    my point was, when I

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2010 at 12:28 pm

    my point was, when I used to work a day job as a Chemist, the company restricted our 401K moves to once a month, but that was per fund; we had 8 different funds we could move our money into, so the way I would get around this was moving it to a different fund instead of back to the same mutual fund. 

    otherwise I don't know anything about a 529 plan.


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