5 min SPX

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:16 am

    what has been working well in this volatile environment is the 5 min SPX the 60 period stochastics

    How to handle false signals?

    Posted by sankaty on 7th of Jul 2010 at 12:34 pm

    I've been following this chart, but not quite as happy with the 60 Stoch. The false Sell signal at the end of July 5 being the biggest miss, and having one or two false crosses on both sides. Makes it hard to pull the trigger with confidence.

    How do you decide whether to exit a trade if the Stochastics trigger crosses then reverses itself? Is there a configuration that determines when you close the trade out? Is there a pattern you look for where you'd re-enter the trade?

    Or, would you recommend simply following the Stochastics trigger, then just waiting for stop-loss?

    Would be thankful for your thoughts when you have more time.


    hi matt mechanical systems are getting

    Posted by madaneag on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:25 am

    hi matt

    mechanical systems are getting whacked, I have never seen them perform so badly since i have been running them in last 3-4 months....

    should we continue to run them or close them and let volatility reduce...


    yes the FAZ/FAS systems are

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:37 am

    yes the FAZ/FAS systems are taking a beating this month, it's early of course, so it's possible that could turn around, but yes so far they are getting whacked this month.  

    as far as turning them off, that is your discretion; 2 schools of thought: 1.  you can turn them off and monitor the profit curves, or you could leave them on since they are down quite a bit this month already and see if they turn around, normally they do turn around.  but your choice,

    the same thing happened in

    Posted by rank10 on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:32 am

    the same thing happened in december of last year.  As long as they have an upward profit curve i would continue to keep running them

    i have a filter that i run on mine where it ignores large quick moves.  It has ignored 3 of the last 5 trades helping reduce the lose

    if you don't mind...can you

    Posted by madaneag on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:34 am

    if you don't mind...can you share that filter with me.


    it takes the average of

    Posted by rank10 on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:39 am

    it takes the average of the 2 moving averages and compares the close of the current bar against a percentage move over the average of the MA's

    if the % move is greater that what you have specified as an input it ignores the trade

    hope this helps

    will give it a try

    Posted by madaneag on 7th of Jul 2010 at 11:48 am

    will give it a try if i can program correctly..thank


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