Good point on Silver here


    Posted by vimal on 15th of May 2010 at 06:39 pm

    Good point on Silver here Steve

    Some other things I see at "extremes" in the market is around the Euro which as we have seen is in semi freefall. Non Commercial shorts were at pretty high levels last week and extremes so i would not at all be suprised to see the Euro bounce next week coupled with an Equities rally and pullback in safehaven currencies of Gold & Silver

    I think medium/longer term we have some big structural issues here in Europe but no point looking too much in detail. History tells me that mean reversion or semi mean reversion happens in most bombed out instruments at some stage (excluding specific equity related issues).  


    Posted by rbreese on 15th of May 2010 at 07:50 pm
    Title: Seasonal Pattern


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