Hang in there


    Posted by racerick on 15th of Apr 2010 at 05:26 am

    Discipline Triumphs Conviction

    I keep the above posted on my computer, The truest thing, as well as the hardest thing, for most traders.

    There's not a trader alive that I know of that hasn't blown up their acct. at some point or another. In fact, some of the most successful traders I know have done more than once.

    So learn from it, regroup, get back in the saddle with a set of written down trading rules that you force yourself to look at each day, with even just a small acct. doing small swing trades.

    I 100% agree with Steve on price is king. When I'm doing individual coaching one of the things I do is have the student trade for a week using nothing but trendlines both regular and horizontal. No other indicators. And I often do this myself, it fact prob. 1/2 my charts don't have any and I've been doing this for 30+ years. You'll be absolutely amazed at what the results will be. And forget reading what all the so called experts think unless you're doing some fundamental research.

    One other thing that has helped me over the years is to make your system as mechanical as possible ie trading rules. For example - never trade against the 50ma in a 30min or less time frame. Just develop your own set of rules that you adamently follow, no matter what.

    So hang in there and best of luck.




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