Updates - FED Funds Spread, FED ADS Index, SSEC Leading, PPS, KC24.

    (New charts, using MultiCharts instead of Excel).

    Since 12-March-2010 the FED Spread had a "correction in price", while SPX had a "correction in time".
    Last week the yellow line had a sharp spike, going above resistance lines and above the trend.
    According to this model, this is a setup for a rally thru April 16.

    The FED ADS Index also had a "correction in price", while SPX had a "correction in time".
    Now the green line has started to turn up for the following 1-2 months.

    The red line SSEC correlation indicates SPX is mostly sideways for the next 2-3 months.

    The PPS (monthly for trend, weekly for timing) is still on a "buy" signal.
    These kind of mechanical systems work well on trending markets, but can whipsaw on ranging markets.

    The KC24 is bullish.
    For now, the trend is up.

    Good luck, Mike H.

    Updates - Big Picture, SSEC Leading, FED ADS Index, FED Funds Spread, PPS, KC24.
    (charts using MultiCharts, TOS, Prophet).

    The Big Picture is made up of Nasdaq (blue line) and Nikkei 225 (yellow line) shifted forward 10 years,
    a very long term possible projection, covering 1995-2020.
    The correlation failed for a couple of years (in 2004 and 2006) but seems to hold pretty well more  recently.
    The two main spikes up of the blue line are in 2000 and 2007.
    As per this model we would see some kind of a decline between mid 2010 and early 2013.

    The red line SSEC correlation indicates SPX is mostly sideways for the next 2-3 months.

    After a "correction in price", while SPX had a "correction in time",
    the FED ADS Index (green line) has started to turn up for the following 1-2 months,
    but the larger timeframe trend for now is down.

    The FED Funds Spread (yellow line) had a "correction in price", while SPX had a "correction in time".
    It had a sharp spike last week. Then a drop back to support (at -0.08).
    According to this model, this is a setup for some sort of top around April 16.

    The PPS (monthly for trend, weekly for timing), our conservative mechanical system, is on a "buy" signal.

    The KC24, our trend confirmation model, is bullish.
    For now, the trend is up.

    Good luck, Mike H.


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