Title: Does anybody elase have

    Posted by brophy on 31st of Mar 2010 at 01:21 pm
    Title: Does anybody elase have a "DeathCross" indicator like this on their charts?

    I think the "DeathCross" is

    Posted by carrolrt on 31st of Mar 2010 at 01:52 pm

    I think the "DeathCross" is the samething as the BlackCross.   It is when the 50 dma crosses down through the 200 dma.

    That is disconcerting.  The last

    Posted by kalinm on 31st of Mar 2010 at 01:25 pm

    That is disconcerting.  The last time the media jumped on a bearish pattern was the July head and shoulders top.... that turned out not so bearish.

    Looking at the SSEC, the daily BB are VERY tight.  It has consolidated for 8 months in this triangle.  The move will be big... but which way?  So far, the upper bollinger band rejected the price (last night's sell-off).  


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