Sounds wicked, when do you think it'll be ready? And does it short also? i.e. L1 sell (short) SSO ...

    yes it shorts.  entries are

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Mar 2010 at 02:19 pm

    yes it shorts.  entries are noted by L1,L2,L3,L4, and shorts are S1,2,3,4.  again you don't always get 4 entries, in fact it's rare, most trades are two entries and some are only 1.

    Notice that the system started scaling in on Friday, yes you had to take some heat on Monday morning on the gap down, but the trades all made money and sold yesterday

    I see that it adds

    Posted by window72 on 23rd of Mar 2010 at 03:10 pm

    I see that it adds to losing positions. I'd be interested to see how it deals with that when it goes wrong and also, I expect TradeStation counts each of the 4 entries as a separate trade, so you get 4 winners for the price of one.

    And after seeing that over a long enough time period, we'd like the chance to have it please.

    no each trade is counted

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Mar 2010 at 03:25 pm

    no each trade is counted separately, yes it scales into trades, so once in a while you take some heat on your first or second entry but then everything is sold at once.  however each trade is counted separately, NOT as one trade, so sometimes on a position where you have 4 entries, maybe they will all be winners, or maybe three out of four will be winners with the first one being a slight loser, but most of the trades are winning trades (93% of them).  The few losing trades are the 1st entries that got in a little early, but the point there is that you are only entering 20% of your position, so it doesn't affect you much.  As far as bad trades, if it get's into a bad trade, it has stops.

    Also it only works on Mulitcharts, and not Tradestation.

    MATT -- Does this mean

    Posted by puma on 23rd of Mar 2010 at 03:38 pm

    MATT -- Does this mean that we will need to get Multi-Charts for some reason to use the system? Or -- since you will be sending out email alerts for the trades -- will there be any reason why we can't simply execute them on whatever platform or brokerage that we want? This is a non-automated system that triggers simply off your email alerts -- right? 


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