two sides to every coin

    Canadian Bubble

    Posted by 8899 on 21st of Mar 2010 at 03:59 pm

    since there are two sides to every coin, it could be possible that when interest rates begin to rise, people will rush to buy a house and get a loan before rates are raised again. Due to the fact that once rates reverse trends, they do so for a very, very long time and in this case this will be a generational change.

    just something to think about imo.

    Garth Turner's blog discusses this in detail every day...

    Posted by mhordila on 21st of Mar 2010 at 04:25 pm

    Garth Turner, author, financial commentator, and has twice served as a Member of Paliament in Canada’s House of Commons. Actually, the current Prime Minister of Canada kicked him out of the caucus a few years ago, for too many personal but public comments. He's of a doom and gloom orientation.



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