
    Posted by steve on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:04 pm

    I want to comment on some members observations of posts on the blog.  We have many experienced traders here who choose to take their own positions.  There are always two sides to a market and it's a personal choice as to how one wants to play the market. One can play either side as long as they have a plan with objective risk management in place.  It is there choice how to play the market and that's perfectly acceptable.

    With that said, I do not choose to play against the trend (until bullish symmetry) is broken at least on the short term charts.  Occasionally, I will take a trade short against the trend (as a hedge or pure speculation) but that is something that involves greater risk since it's against the trend.  Currently, the market is UPTRENDING and while it's overbought it still remains in an uptrend.  It could pullback at any time but until it breaks the uptrend and breaks bullish symmetry on the longer charts I will primarily focus on longs.  Hope this helps to clarify.

    My advice is to focus on your objectives and beliefs and trade accordingly (it's tough enough to trade without worrying about what others are doing).  We believe it's best to concentrate on the trend and focus on trades on that direction. Thus, we will certainly miss tops and bottoms but will succeed in catching the meat of any sustained moves.


    market trend

    Posted by sam123 on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:41 pm

    I have been reading comments for the last 1 month and everybody talks about market turning any day and it kept on going up.  The top will be rounded one like jan. and everyday it is making new highs.  i lost shorting amzn.  I bought and lost on vxx.  Until you get a definite sell signal it is very dangerous to go against trend.  There are many stocks with high short interest.  The market might  make all shorts to cover before it turns around.  It might go upto 1180 as the reverse head and shoulders have shown before any meaningful correction.

    Essentially, readers are getting short

    Posted by 55555 on 17th of Mar 2010 at 05:13 pm

    Essentially, readers are getting short because this is what they interpret from the newsletter IMO. But are they are misinterpreting?

    "My advice is to focus

    Posted by Palladin on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:26 pm

    "My advice is to focus on your objectives and beliefs and trade accordingly "

    Steve, you have to realize that if people operated according to your advice stated in the line above, they would not be members of BPT or any other advisory for that matter. Many are looking for more specific guidance, as I was earlier in my trading efforts. Now I have cancelled most of my subs and use your service for chart analysis and make my own decisions for better or worse, but I believe a lot of your subscriber base is looking for more assertive guidance.


    I learned my lesson...

    Posted by epmaruggi on 17th of Mar 2010 at 08:19 pm

    ...about "scaling in" to a position before it triggers on the watchlist. I'll consider that kind of advice more carefully next time and so should everyone else. Best to learn from our mistakes to keep it from happening again.

    I understand your statement Palladin

    Posted by steve on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:36 pm

    I understand your statement Palladin but again we cannot force our opinions on members.  My guidance is as I stated below, I want to focus on being positioned WITH THE PREVAILING TREND.  I do not want to be playing against the trend except to hedge or scalp trades.  However, this is not to imply that I feel comfortable adding many new positions at this time since the market is quite extended.  Again, those are personal decisions (my objectives do not mirror all other members).  In summary, it's my personal believe (assertive) that one is much better off trading with the trend versus fighting the trend (trying to pick tops).  To be clear, I'm primarily focusing on LONGS until the trend reverses. 

    One thing that would be

    Posted by algyros on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:35 pm

    One thing that would be of great use to all members would be a section where the intermediate term trend is clearly noted, say by "bullish," "bearish," or "neutral."  That way, a glance would suffice for members to know what Steve and Matt's sense of the direction of the market is, and when it changes.

    Algyros - this already exits

    Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2010 at 10:16 pm

    Algyros - this already exits here, I have trending indicators that are fairly good at this:  NYSI indicators, NASI, BPCOMPQs, etc.  Use the URL from my Sticky post, I have all the trending indicators

    NYSI with 5/3 stochastics overlay is fairly good at the intermediate trend

    NYSI cumulative is great for longer term etc

    see the section that is entitled:

    NYSI Indicators

    Useful for longer term signals and useful for help with managing 401Ks

    I prefer to use the

    Posted by steve on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:44 pm

    I prefer to use the terms: uptrend and downtrend versus bullish or bearish which are quite subjective.  I have been stating the trend every night on the recaps and will announce when it changes.  It will change when the market begins to make lower highs AND lower lows.  Again, see last nights recap for clarity.


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