vnathwani - we get your

    regarding the market

    Posted by steve on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:49 pm

    vnathwani - we get your point enough said on the subject.  Please feel free to share some analysis (charts, etc) versus simply critiquing things and offering opinions.  The market is DYNAMIC and things are subject to change under ALL TECHNICAL analysis. Focus on the prevailing trend and play the best setups in accordance with one's objectives. 

    EW isn't technical analysis. Its

    Posted by vnathwani on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:53 pm

    EW isn't technical analysis. Its a theory Steve

    Outside EW, technical analysis is subject to change and its accountable

    The reason why people keep coming on the blog talking about "you said it was wave 2 this and abc that" is because the audio always has lines and squiggles referring to it.

    Take the accountability and measure and state clearly when a scenario is right or wrong and the actual number of S&P Points that this super EW theory derives

    Very true but my point

    Posted by steve on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:57 pm

    Very true but my point is simply that the market is DYNAMIC and subject to change under ALL TECHNICAL analysis.  I simply use EW for mapping purposes and not for triggers. 


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