Berkshire Hathaway added to XLF

    Posted by philosoraptor on 6th of Mar 2010 at 06:20 am

    This is something I missed last month, so apols if already posted on the blog - after their recent share split, 'Berkshire Hathaway B' has now been added to the 'XLF' ETF. Not just added, but with the fourth highest weighting of c. 8+%. The rub? Well, according to this article, historically BRK/B acts more like a Consumer Staple stock than a Financial:

    As a footnote, I have just researched UYG/SKF and FAS/FAZ individual components but can see nothing that suggests BRK/B forms any part. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Q. given BRK/B's weighting, will XLF lose its correlation with these other financial ETFs in future and/or particularly at key market turning points?


    Posted by skiesblue on 6th of Mar 2010 at 07:50 am

    Can someone tell me where to find the dividend for xlu and payment dates. I've searched google but can't find it. Thanks

    You can find it here:

    Posted by kayak5 on 6th of Mar 2010 at 07:34 pm

    You can find it here:

    There is a link above the table for the .csv and .xls files that contain more detailed information such as record and pay dates, gains, etc.


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