SPX 5 min and 1 min

    Posted by matt on 1st of Mar 2010 at 10:39 am

    As I posted earlier this morning; the market made a 5th wave move up this morning, now it's pullback back some, there was clearly some negative divergence on the 1 min chart.  so we got a little pullback.

    I'd be pickier here with breakouts unless they have really good volume

    but again, that divergence is ONLY ON A ONE MIN CHART

    wave 1 to wave 5 correlation

    Posted by perthx on 1st of Mar 2010 at 10:43 am

    assuming this wave up today was a wave 5 it was very close to being 2.618 X wave 1 up from 1086.06...That is cool. Of course this could be only wave 1 of a bigger 5 wave up lasting a lot longer couldn't it?

    WAVE 1

    Posted by parki48 on 1st of Mar 2010 at 01:08 pm


    I do think we will see and ABC correction of it too back to this mornings low.

    Yes that is the bullish

    Posted by matt on 1st of Mar 2010 at 01:52 pm

    Yes that is the bullish case, wave 1 of 5, so even under the bullish case you would get a wave two pullback, which would provide a buying opportunity, then another rally in wave 3 for a bullish 5 wave pattern.  But either way, not matter what count, a pullback could occur

    Just trade stock picks, far easier than trading market indexes, unless you have a system for trading futures

    Matt, how does a system

    Posted by junkie on 1st of Mar 2010 at 02:14 pm

    Matt, how does a system for trading futures help in trading market indexes? I am curious.


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