We're playing with the idea of moving down to central America -- Love it in both Panama and Costa Rica, or possibly renting a second place down there -- the question is -- for those of you in non-cabled parts of the world -- is satellite internet fast enough to run Trade Station or Multi-Charts? Would appreciate getting the benefit of experience of those of you who trade off satellite feeds around the world? If so, what download and upload speeds are you getting, and how well do they work with various platforms? Thanks.


    Posted by mdundon on 28th of Feb 2010 at 09:36 am

    So sorry to hear of your troubles, it must be scarey to sit and watch for impending danger.  Hang in there.

    Mary Ann from DC

    Yes, I run tradestation on

    Posted by sharonrose on 28th of Feb 2010 at 09:27 am

    Yes, I run tradestation on my satellite internet.

    A couple of things to watch for though.  Usually your monthly allowance is limited.  So if you have a bunch of charts and workspaces running all the time you will go over your limit.  Of course you can spend more monthly and receive more Gigabytes.  Next, the weather affects it.  On really windy, or rainy days it can go in and out.  I have a verizon card for backup or when i travel.

    Here is a link to speeds and prices on what i have.  Of course i don't know what is available in Central America.


    Let me know if you need more details.

    Would prefer Mobile Data Card over Satellite Internet

    Posted by kaushikb on 28th of Feb 2010 at 09:52 am

    Would prefer Mobile Data Card over Satellite Internet. Lot of problems with satellite internet, cloud, rain, wind. Its annoying if you lose connection to the internet in bad weather every now and then. I use Verizon MiFi http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/mobilebroadband/?page=products_mifi, its like a Mobile Internet Wireless Router provided by Verizon Wireless, that allows me to connect 5 computers. Its much better that using satellite internet. Best of all you can even use internet on the go.


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