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Would prefer Mobile Data Card over Satellite Internet. Lot of problems with satellite internet, cloud, rain, wind. Its annoying if you lose connection to the internet in bad weather every now and then. I use Verizon MiFi, its like a Mobile Internet Wireless Router provided by Verizon Wireless, that allows me to connect 5 computers. Its much better that using satellite internet. Best of all you can even use internet on the go.

Title: I use Think or Swim on my iPhone, its just awesome
Title: market recoverd 50% overnight

Something up with SRS

Posted by kaushikb on 10th of Feb 2010 at 08:58 am
Title: Something up with SRS

One fine day bears will make a huge gap down.

Hindenburg comes few days after the actual top;funds=erx,typ,mwj,ery,fas,tmf,tyh,edc,mwn,bgu,tza,edz,tna,tmv,faz,dpk,tyd,bgz,dzk,tyo

TNA paid $4.6667 per share

thanks matt

What's with TNA / TZA?

Posted by kaushikb on 20th of Nov 2009 at 09:59 am

thanks matt, i was using TNA as a hedge, I do have TZA too. But its time to remove the hedge.

shouldn't that mean they should

What's with TNA / TZA?

Posted by kaushikb on 20th of Nov 2009 at 09:52 am

shouldn't that mean they should pay the dividend into my account if you are long TNA, but don't see that money coming in.

What's with TNA / TZA?

Posted by kaushikb on 20th of Nov 2009 at 09:33 am

TNA is down over 13% while TZA is only up 2.3%

I use ThinkorSwim, Interactive Brokers

I Phone Question

Posted by kaushikb on 15th of Nov 2009 at 09:47 pm

I use ThinkorSwim, Interactive Brokers and iStockMnger (TD Ameritrade) applications on iPhone and they work great.

any reason why SRS is moving sideways. . .

SRS daily chart

Posted by kaushikb on 23rd of Oct 2009 at 03:36 pm

any reason why SRS is moving sideways while SPX has gone lower than Wednusday close. SRS should be 9.90 or above by now.

both swings confirmed

SRS ouch!

Posted by kaushikb on 20th of Oct 2009 at 10:01 am
Title: both swings confirmed

TNA Crossover

Posted by kaushikb on 13th of Oct 2009 at 02:27 pm
Title: TNA

Class Action Lawsuit Against ProShares’ SRS

Posted by kaushikb on 31st of Aug 2009 at 05:58 pm

didn't SRS give a reverse crossover (swing) recently?


Posted by kaushikb on 22nd of Jul 2009 at 11:20 am

Yes, I have my account in Stockcharts and Think or swim and both gave a Cross but the chart in premium section did not


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