Toyota Motors

    Posted by J7James on 24th of Feb 2010 at 01:35 am

    Technical review:

    Today you had the 50 day ema crossing the 200 day ema. This is usually an indicator for the mutual funds to begin selling a stock. In addition, the stock has a bearish flag pattern on the daily chart with a measured move of $20.00. The point and figure target is $60.

    Fundamental review:

    The recall of 8.5 million cars to repair accelerator pedals and breaks, increasing inventories, declining prices, 44 class action law suits, Fed grand jury and SEC investigation, possible fraud and racketering, Congressional hearings this week, and damanged reputation for quality, will result in falling sales, profits and stock price. I see a price of $60 dollars by March first and a decline near $40 (secondary support) when the analyst finally pull the trigger and downgrade the stock.

    I like the March $70 puts.

    Good trading,



    Posted by gabebristow on 24th of Feb 2010 at 02:06 am

    lets get a group on board with this....

    g brissy


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