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Oil has more than doubled

Oil and gold

Posted by yankee19 on 2nd of Sep 2009 at 10:02 pm

Oil has more than doubled off its' lows... Gold still has plenty of room to run

Contrary to popular belief, commodities

Posted by yankee19 on 31st of Aug 2009 at 11:30 am

Contrary to popular belief, commodities markets are not DRIVEN by the currency markets.... They can be impacted by currency, but the supply and demand for wheat is not DRIVEN by the $USD.

What manipulation are you referring

Posted by yankee19 on 31st of Aug 2009 at 11:23 am

What manipulation are you referring to?

Thanks Vida

GDX:GLD Mech System

Posted by yankee19 on 16th of Jun 2009 at 12:49 pm

Thanks Vida - all the best in your trading!

GDX:GLD Mech System

Posted by yankee19 on 16th of Jun 2009 at 12:20 pm

Matt - I have been looking for your GDX:GLD mechanical system with 7/21MA crossovers. Can you please post the link?



Posted by yankee19 on 5th of Sep 2008 at 02:59 pm

So the thinking is we retest 1260?


Posted by yankee19 on 5th of Sep 2008 at 02:54 pm

OK - what's the over/under on the number of banks the FDIC takes over this weekend?


Posted by yankee19 on 5th of Sep 2008 at 11:58 am

Anyone else looking for a good entru point for SDS?

Think we might actually get back to the PP @ 1247 on $SPX?

I am a scaredy cat who has been burnt recently trading the gold stocks, so preservation of capital is almost as important to me as the profits. 

You are very right and clearly more experienced - I am learning and fortunately or unfortunately I sold out of SDS @ $69.00 after having bought it @ $64.00 when S&P was at 1300. 

One of the reasons I like this site is there are savvy guys here who speak intelligently and calmly like yourself.

Please keep us relative newbies abreast of when you entry new trades and what stops you use as this can be very helpful.  I am in the hole way too much from getting burnt on gold stocks so I am really hoping to make a couple of good trades with shorts during this next bear leg.  I would like to get in again at some point when the market rallies so I can participate and make some money.


This has only begun. The real economic impact hasn't hit the masses - yet.

I hate to be a doomsdayer - this whole thing sucks.  And you certainly need to be careful with sohrts here - tight stops rule the day.

This deleveraging and forced sell in all risk asset classes is and will be devastating.

This debt deflation will cascade into all asset classes, as it already has, and then into the real economy, which it already is, and then further into all asset classes, and so on and so forth.  We are talking systemic financial meltdown the likes of which we have never seen before unless there is some support for housing.  This isn't fantasyland - this is real hard economics.  Moral hazard is real and true but we are past the point of making moral hazard an issue.  Housing and asset inflation overshot on the upside and unlike extraordinary measures are taken housing and all asset classes will overshoot on the downside.  The market along with the Fed have failed and we cannot just wash our hands and think this is going to go away without incredible long term effects on the real economy.  Booms and busts occur - but this is the greatest financial and ECONOMIC crisis ever. 

Gross is spot on.  This deleveraging and asset deflation will be devastating.  The free market will not solve this problem - I don't like it but housing prices need to be supported by the US gov't balance sheet.  Otherwise we are in depression.

Thanks Martin


Posted by yankee19 on 3rd of Sep 2008 at 09:35 pm

Do you have any long term charts of the dollar so I can get an understanding what you mean by fan lines ... etc


Posted by yankee19 on 3rd of Sep 2008 at 01:02 pm

It would be real nice if this dollar rally would just poop out.


Posted by yankee19 on 28th of Aug 2008 at 05:37 pm

Fair enough Matt.

I like your service here - I am on the 2 week trial but will probably subscribe.  I want to be able to do my research, make my trades, put in my stops and let things go intelligently.  I don't have time during the day to sit in front of a screen and watch the ups and downs.  In fact, I have lost more doing that rather than picking good entry points, putting in intelligent stops and letting things go and review them at the end of the day.  It helps to remove the emotion. 

What's your take on the 60 minute stochastics being extremely overbought on $SPX as opposed to the slow stochastics being mid-range?.  Not sure I really understand the distinction between the two but based on Swanson's charts the 60min looks like a pretty good indicator of where things are headed.

Thanks for your time.

Mike Swanson

Posted by yankee19 on 28th of Aug 2008 at 05:12 pm
Title: Mike Swanson buys SDS


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