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ashland oil

Posted by stmorten on 7th of Oct 2010 at 11:29 am

breaking out?

we made it through another weekend


Posted by stmorten on 1st of Aug 2010 at 08:09 pm

without getting nuked, bombing iran, europe folding, etc.  It is all good!


Posted by stmorten on 28th of Jul 2010 at 12:11 pm

Is breaking a trianle to the upside on 5 min chart


Posted by stmorten on 28th of Jul 2010 at 10:32 am

My concern with this push lower is the  dollar which is hanging on to 82 (DXY) by its fingernails, of course with the euro motoring higher.  Yesterday the corrolation was tick for tick, today not so?  It would be nice to see the dollar turn up which would help for a run down to the 1100 area.  Sonething to watch imo


Posted by stmorten on 22nd of Jul 2010 at 12:50 pm

Two Inv H&S's here?  A breakout of URE would be fortelling of higher GM prices?

s&p vs fxe

Posted by stmorten on 26th of Jun 2010 at 07:13 pm

also looks like on a shorter time frame fxe is close to break point of 123.5.  On this time frame the fxe and s&p have been very closely correlated when on the 23rd they seem to have diverged.  If we get a push up in the euro/fxe you would think that we could get a BIG rally.  OF course they could stay diverged and/or fxe could drop out of the triangle.  Maybe Matt/Steve could give input in the news letter?


Posted by stmorten on 26th of Jun 2010 at 07:03 pm

Looks to me like FXE has a small and large inverse H&S that each measure up to gaps.  One for the bulls?


Posted by stmorten on 22nd of Jun 2010 at 12:00 pm


fxe may not be as weak

Posted by stmorten on 10th of Jun 2010 at 01:22 pm

fxe may not be as weak as s&p or it (fxw) has some catch up (down) to do?


Of curse weak on a +18pt day is realtive and may not be the right wording!!

5m tick

Posted by stmorten on 26th of May 2010 at 01:42 pm

try again

Posted by stmorten on 25th of May 2010 at 12:47 pm

5 min tick w/wedge

Posted by stmorten on 25th of May 2010 at 12:36 pm


sp daily

Posted by stmorten on 21st of May 2010 at 03:27 pm

thought this chart was interesting.  Not sure what the candle is compared to Matt's bullish candle concept from last night but I am thinking maybe a gap down Monday and change to manic monday.  BUT of course also could just repeat the cycle up? THe close today could be telling?


Posted by stmorten on 11th of May 2010 at 02:43 pm

fidelity account is crawling

Posted by stmorten on 6th of May 2010 at 03:23 pm

lots of people doing something..selling?

did we jsut witness the PPT?

Posted by stmorten on 6th of May 2010 at 02:59 pm

ure and rut

Posted by stmorten on 22nd of Apr 2010 at 12:26 pm

ure is up so far for the day

imo is doing much better then the other indexs and looks like it could acutally break out if we get a push up this afternoon/tomorrow?


Posted by stmorten on 19th of Apr 2010 at 11:45 am

i see a potential cup and handle on TZA...pretty major res though at the gap form couple of days ago and of course this would mean a pretty good drop in the GM?

sp bear flag

Posted by stmorten on 16th of Apr 2010 at 03:02 pm

I was telling my wife

Subprime index

Posted by stmorten on 9th of Apr 2010 at 07:03 am

I was telling my wife about the scam on a road trip this weekend (she was glassy eyed and prbably would have rather had a conversation with a tree!), but it was on Zero Hedge last week and it may have been titlted something like the second bank robery has started (but not sure that might be my words as it does make you mad). 


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