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Posted by rojo on 21st of Apr 2009 at 10:30 am

Thanks Ravun. Learning is a never ending process. We can always learn more.

Thank you Matt!

EOD Mechancail Systems Page Real Time

Posted by rojo on 24th of Mar 2009 at 05:44 pm

I just got in (car troubles) and saw the live charts. Thanks so much for taking the time tio do that.

I joined over a year ago and used to like the blog but lately I read quickly and leave. This isn't the place to argue politics.


Posted by rojo on 13th of Jul 2008 at 11:19 pm  

Treasury Acts to Save Mortgage Giants

Alarmed by the sharply eroding confidence in the nation’s two largest mortgage finance companies, the Bush administration on Sunday asked Congress to approve a sweeping rescue package that would give officials the power to inject billions of federal dollars into the beleaguered companies through investments and loans.


Indymac BankCorp

Posted by rojo on 11th of Jul 2008 at 07:00 pm


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