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CNBC also Reporting 131.73

131.70 close

Posted by redrider20 on 2nd of Jun 2011 at 04:06 pm

You Are Going To Have To Make An Important Decision

Posted by redrider20 on 6th of May 2011 at 04:13 pm

Anyone who trades this type of system is going to have to identify what type of draw-down level you are comfortable with.  Some people may be comfortable with say a 15% draw-down, while others might be OK with 25%.  That is the question you are going to have to ask yourself, & only you can answer that question.  You will experience draw-downs with a reversion to the mean type of trading system like this.  Sometimes you'll see big draw-downs & really big ones if you're using leveraged ETFs like SSO.  I trade with another guy who utilizes a similar type of system.  It works like a charm if you have a good plan & remain patient.  Figure out where your comfort zone is & adjust your position sizing accordingly.

One more tip:  When volatility increases, maybe reduce your position size.  Also, moving from the single to the multiple entry system during times of high volatility can help.

Just a few suggestions to help take the edge off. 


I Second That Sanrafael

SPY System

Posted by redrider20 on 2nd of May 2011 at 02:46 am

Looks like a great system.  I was all in Friday with no hesitation whatsoever.  Matt & Steve are all class, & I have the utmost confidence in their abilities and integrity.  This is one for the little guy.  Not much of that goin' around these days.  Thanks Matt & Steve for giving us BreakPointTraders such a tremendous edge with the new SPY System.  Hope the system does great & we can all make $ using it.

Quote from the movie Seabiscuit:  "You see, when the little guy doesn't know he's the little guy, he can do great big things."


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