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Peridot - thanks big time. 

Art Cashin

Posted by ralph on 24th of Nov 2008 at 03:42 pm

Peridot - thanks big time.  I really appreciate this.




Posted by ralph on 21st of Nov 2008 at 11:31 am

You buying this trend line cross?

I think you are spot

bank story

Posted by ralph on 21st of Nov 2008 at 10:34 am

I think you are spot on!  Paulson throws his cronies a bone.  WOW!


Posted by ralph on 21st of Nov 2008 at 09:16 am

Thanks RP, always appreciated.




Posted by ralph on 20th of Nov 2008 at 10:57 am

Dylan - Declare yourself a bank holding company and buy your new car with TARP money.

I remember the bottom in


Posted by ralph on 19th of Nov 2008 at 03:27 pm

I remember the bottom in 1990-1991 was $6.54.   WOW!

Dodger - Agree with the big move.  We have had 4 sucessful tests of the low.  I think it is up from here.  Won't bet the ranch and the dog, but I think an up move will confound the majority.

To the BPT Braintrust

Posted by ralph on 18th of Nov 2008 at 11:28 am

Myself not included - Does anyone know how to get Large Block Volume?  Somebody mentioned to me that large block volume has diminished in the recent weeks.  I have no way to see this.  Any Ideas?

Ralph   computer guru LOL

Bank Rally?

Is now the time for a bear market rally?

Posted by ralph on 13th of Nov 2008 at 10:37 am

Saturn - When I read your posts, I'm reminded of Art Cashin talking about the little boy who searching a horse stall 5 feet deep in manure exclaiming "there must be a pony in here somewhere!"  I value your posts because because it keeps me thinking about the other side.

I think you are right about the financials leading us out of this market, but I don't think that is now.  They will be a "U" bottom and not a "V" bottom.  But who knows, we have never seen government intervention to this extent before.

Keep up the good work.


time frames are getting tighter.


CNBC gave me great idea

Posted by ralph on 10th of Nov 2008 at 01:53 pm

I'm seeing great support at ZERO.

rp _ I am looking

Posted by ralph on 5th of Nov 2008 at 12:02 pm

rp _ I am looking at a 5 min chart of SPY and I increased the time period to 180 days.  My chart goes back now to 2-28-2008.  Hope this helps. 

Second that! If I want politics,

Your Vote

Posted by ralph on 4th of Nov 2008 at 01:50 pm

Second that!

If I want politics, I put on Jerry Springer!

Yes, I like it a


Posted by ralph on 4th of Nov 2008 at 10:10 am

Yes, I like it a lot, although I'm wary because of Matt's advice about a possible pullback.  I added around 31 and will add on a pullback.  I think that hedge fund liquidations for year end redemptions were huge.  It doesn't mean that no hedge fund will ever revisit this area.  I think that some money will come back, enough for a decent return.

It's funny, I remember in


Posted by ralph on 3rd of Nov 2008 at 01:15 pm

It's funny, I remember in 1990, a market somewhat similar to now.  Two stocks that clearly outperformed were AMGN and IMNX.  God, I'm getting old!

Small Peak?

Posted by ralph on 31st of Oct 2008 at 02:58 pm

A software program I have,  looks at fib time clusters and we are a small peak today and Monday FWIW

Matt- Thanks.  I hope you

SSO mechanical system

Posted by ralph on 30th of Oct 2008 at 10:29 am

Matt- Thanks.  I hope you and Steve get a great chance to unwind and live life "outside the charts".  The last six weeks have been more stressfull than we care to admit, and when you raise that toast at the wedding, think about how lucky you are to share good times with friends.  Have a great trip.

Matt - Do you displace

SSO mechanical system

Posted by ralph on 30th of Oct 2008 at 09:59 am

Matt - Do you displace your 16 and 34 ema by 2?

Anthony Mozillo, the poster child for corporate greed.  When he was asked about the failure of his company and all his employees out on the street, his answer "Capitalism isn't perfect"


Posted by ralph on 29th of Oct 2008 at 12:35 pm

Any thoughts?


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