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well these triangles keep changing;


Posted by pkon on 30th of Jan 2009 at 11:22 am

well these triangles keep changing; they had small triangle before and everyone said it broke out to upside; now again there is another triangle. If I sit and watch these triangles, I feel like wasting my time


Posted by pkon on 30th of Jan 2009 at 11:12 am

This is just insane. I am not able to decide how to position myself. I bought many inverse ETF`s and now  I am seeing all these thoughts about  DOJI reversal etc.

does that mean turn UP

turn date next week

Posted by pkon on 30th of Jan 2009 at 09:52 am

does that mean turn UP or DOWN?


SPX 5,3,3 stochastics

Posted by pkon on 29th of Jan 2009 at 11:41 pm

Anyone checked the VIX chart on 5,3,3... SCARY

Also postive divergence

quite frankly in a market


Posted by pkon on 29th of Jan 2009 at 11:30 pm

quite frankly in a market like this , it`s crazy to own 160,000 shares of any stock , even if you are an institutional holder. But if tell me you are short 160000 shares of any stock, then that means serious business

Put/call ratio is 0.7 .


Posted by pkon on 27th of Jan 2009 at 11:55 pm

Put/call ratio is 0.7 . Keep a close eye . Rather than go long, wait for an opportunity to go short


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