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Thanks Ravun. Great idea. Count


Posted by pisces on 21st of Apr 2009 at 10:41 am

Thanks Ravun. Great idea. Count me in.

Ok John, A little tough love.

Without looking at the chart. I don't think it matters what stock it is. I think you need to sell it. Free yourself from this nightmare. Having gone through many ups and downs throughout my 15 years of trading for a living I think that's all you can do. There is no law that says you can't buy it back at another time. Of course after this experience I think you should stay far away from this etf.

 Losing money in my opinion is like the death of a loved one so you need to have a mourning period. It's a deep loss and you need time to heal your wounds. You have no idea how relieved you'll feel until after you sell it, a big burden will be lifted off your shoulders. You need to sit back and look at what you have left and not what you had. You must not jump into anything else until you get your confidence back. Then you have to buy only in small amounts like 100 shares.

I'll say one more thing that doesn't make me feel better either in this crazy world we live in and that's... You're not alone. I know people who during the tech bubble that lost millions. As a matter of fact I may lose millions if I can't get financing for my development.

I'm sorry if this sounds rough but you did ask what you should do now. So, this is what I think. And, in the future if you need some hand holding don't hesitate, just ask.


Yes, I'll look at max

Posted by pisces on 9th of Apr 2009 at 02:43 pm

Yes, I'll look at max pain daily next week in addition to my own DD. It really wasn't much of a tool all last year. It can be a directional indicator overall though. I just sold my goog calls and only have a few bidu calls that I have a sell order in for now. I play option expiration week in a way that some would call reckless but I only use gambling money and it's paid off great at times. So now, I'm watching the rimm 60 and $65 puts. If they get down to a nickle I may buy 100 of them depending on where rimm the stock is at the time.  This play will cost me with fees under $600. Last month I did this with bidu. Not my best play but I did sell those calls for .60 turning $600. into $6,000. in a couple of hours. There's always a couple of stocks that are good for this. One time I sold those nickle calls on pcln for $4.50. 45k in a day. I've had my share of loosers this year and sure could use a lift from at least one of my stocks.


I think they owe me :-)

Great luck for you too!

Thanks for the heads up.

Posted by pisces on 9th of Apr 2009 at 01:29 pm

Thanks for the heads up. You're right on all counts. Nice to have another pair of eyes looking at them. I don't always look at the obvious. I trade options so I'm mostly in cash now and getting ready for expiration next week. Max Pain has them all lower and goog has earnings after the close on Thursday. That's always a good money maker if you're on the right side.

Thanks again!

We don't hear much negative about him here either. That is not from the mainstream media. The media is protecting him from any bad press. They got him elected and they want to keep him looking good. Not to mention the plunge protection team that picks up and holds up  the market as to not make him look bad.

It's a sad time for the United States. Nothing is being done to help the average guy. I've been telling anyone that would listen a fast easy solution that would help the masses and get this economy going but to no avail. It's just one of many ideas I have. This could be done with a simple software program. It would help a lot of people and avoid a lot of stress.  What is it? Reduce everyone's interest rate across the board to 4%, just reset all the loans, at least from all the banks that are recieving tarp money. Make it a one time shot to the economy. Hell they're firing ceo's why can't they do something productive. So many people can't qualify now under the new tougher rules for a modified loan but if they'd just reduce the rate I'm sure a lot of homes and families would be saved. I'd promise to spend some of that 2k I'd save per month and help get the economy going. I'd even be willing to give up my interest deduction on my taxes.



You read it as we're

FREE software to post images with

Posted by pisces on 3rd of Apr 2009 at 01:18 am

You read it as we're up against resistance. Having said that I  have my money on the long side. I reduced my positions by half today but holding the balance overnight. I'm thinking we gap over resistance in the morning. Whether or not it holds remains to be seen. If it does res. becomes support. jmo

I agree, this is great!

FREE software to post images with

Posted by pisces on 2nd of Apr 2009 at 08:28 pm

I agree, this is great! Thanks Chad. Hope this works for me.


Looks like the $SPY is bumping it's head up against double resistance.

We need to apply the


Posted by pisces on 1st of Apr 2009 at 01:02 am

We need to apply the same terms of employment to our elected officials as they do to businesses that they are dictating terms to. For instance since the Congress, the Senate and the president are all doing a bad job running our country they should not only take away that 3% pay raise that they just gave themselves but I think that since they're doing such a lousy job, not to mention for the most part they are a  bunch of crooks that they should only get $1.00 salary and no bonuses. If they don't like that we need to picket their homes and harrass their families like these groups did to employees of companies that we loaned money to. This distribution of our wealth plan gotta go too. My husband calls it fourty acres and a Cadillac. That's why we now have Government Motors.


LOL   That is sooo funny.

My Trading Office

Posted by pisces on 26th of Mar 2009 at 08:20 pm

LOL   That is sooo funny. Thanks I needed a laugh today. Kiss

I wouldn't give a dime

haven't figured this out yet

Posted by pisces on 25th of Mar 2009 at 07:05 pm

I wouldn't give a dime of that money back. I think it stinks what this administration is doing to us. Not only is he turning this country into a socialist country but he's pitting us against each other. Talk about class warfare. I wonder how many of those people who voted for this guy ever thought about what his real far left agenda was. Gives new meaning to a new world order. Wonder who he and the Dem's in Congress are going to put on top and how far down we will be.

Totaly agree! These sure are

off topic

Posted by pisces on 25th of Mar 2009 at 12:35 pm

Totaly agree! These sure are scary times. 

LOL, Figures our tax dollars

Trouble assets

Posted by pisces on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 01:00 pm

LOL, Figures our tax dollars at work :-) Well, I could go on and on on this subject but it's so depressing. I'll just say one more thing. I have a shovel ready project, which means I can start construction in May. I can have 80% of my building pre-leased. I'm a woman developer which makes me a minority, especially in this business. I didn't ask but I was told by two major TARP receiving banks that  I was the wrong minority and that I need not apply for the foreseeable future. The good news, I surely won't be paying capital gains taxes for the foreseeable future. So, they can raise them all they want I don't know who's going to pay them though.

I know a little about

Trouble assets

Posted by pisces on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 12:05 pm

I know a little about what's going with this wasted money disguised as a  job creating bill. I'm one of those much hated Commercial property developers. Unfortunately I can't get funding anywhere even though I can create over 150 jobs for the next year at a average cost of $46,500 per job and at least 150 more permanent jobs after that. This is unlike the government which will pay an average of $300,000. per job..... So, I'm mad as hell

This was all over the

Trouble assets

Posted by pisces on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 10:57 am

This was all over the place over the weekend. In case you didn't watch it.

Yes, I've been using it

Quote Tracker

Posted by pisces on 21st of Mar 2009 at 11:04 pm

Yes, I've been using it for a month now and I like it so far. I also like the fact that it uses the data from my Ameritrade account and I'm happy that it doesn't freeze up on me like Ameritrade does.

You must be very young if you think Reagan had it easy. Mortgage rates were 21%.


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