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We just broke 712.  What's

Next Targets on SPX

Posted by ndtrade123 on 10th of Mar 2009 at 12:05 pm

We just broke 712.  What's the next resistance?  Please advise.  Thank you.

What website do you check

Posted by ndtrade123 on 10th of Mar 2009 at 11:49 am

What website do you check intra day volume?  I like to see if the volume increases towards the end of the day.  Perhaps today is a real rally day that has legs.

They borrowed for basically free,


Posted by ndtrade123 on 10th of Mar 2009 at 11:36 am

They borrowed for basically free, lended out with higher interests, and made killings on the spreads.

Thank you Matt and others.  I am mad as heck.  All your charts show obvious entry and exit points.  WHY IN THE HECK no one in CNBC, Marketwatch, Bloomberg, Barron's, WSJ, etc. stress about these charts and get the general public in and out of the market?!  Why do designations like CFP, CIMA (the one that I got from Wharton..yes, Wharton.) never teach and stress about the importance of these charts?  Sure, if I optimize a portfolio, I may outperform the general market in a long run for a few percents.  But what's the point of few percent win compared to 50 plus percent loss?!  Most people in this business including mehave no clue about "capital perservation" even though we sell it to our clients all the time.  Thank you Matt.  Hopefully I can win some money back for myself and my clients through studying your site.

Where and how to get started

Posted by ndtrade123 on 9th of Mar 2009 at 10:23 pm

Hello group, my questions will not be intelligent; however, I sincerely wish that you guys can help me.  I am a financial planner who is trained in asset allocation and modern portfolio theory.  Also because of my brokerage background, I was brain washed to not sell and not panic when the market went down (you know what they say..oh, don't sell. If you sell, you will miss the rally, etc).  I have witnessed both my personal account and all my clients' accounts go all the down since the high of Oct 2007.  during this difficult time, I felt powerless because I have very little technical analysis training.  I felt guilty to the clients who are loyal to me and see their accounts going down more than 50%.  Because of that pain and guilt, I am determined to be a good trader for a situation like this.  Here are my questions.

1. What formal or informal training can a person like me get via online, books, or formal school?

2. What characteristics does someone have to be a good trader?

3. What software or hardware does someone have to have?  Trade Station, Bloomberg, etc?  What about auto trade if I wish, so I can take care of other business during market hours?

Please advise if you wish to help.  Thank you in advance to your time.


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