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Daytrade Opinions

Posted by mlcraven on 13th of Oct 2008 at 08:33 pm

Does anyone have any comments on how the day trade game has changed in the last 6 months or so with the removal of the uptick rule as well as the removal of the so called curbs? Is it as simple as the new norm is more extreme trending in terms of duration and intensity? I find myself frequently not getting into trades because I don't want to "chase" and then missing a longer trend that continues for a few more hours or simply cashing out prematurely. Maybe I am just paranoid that as soon as I adjust my internal trading clock the rules will change again. Looking for opinions and commiseration :)

Any other concerned TD Ameritraders?

Posted by mlcraven on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 10:33 am

Any new news on the Reserve MM ?  My trades from Friday were swept into this MM and now they are waiting to find out the NAV.  What could it possibly go to? How much is at risk? Anyone heard anything?

SDP Swingtrade

Posted by mlcraven on 13th of Sep 2008 at 11:04 am

XLU outperformed last week to retest of neckline of the massive H&S.  Love the chart but confused about the fundementals.  i.e. safe haven play, potential tax cut, .......  I would love to put some money in for a swing trade. Anyone else have further analysis to put this chart set up in context of the overall market?

Consider this first cwa ......

Managing others money

Posted by mlcraven on 5th of Sep 2008 at 04:04 pm

    I would advise you to think back to your lowest point as a trader (largest drawdown) and imagine how you and your friends might react.  My worst monthly performance is fresh in my mind because I just recently went through it. I can tell you that at that point I hardly wanted to trade my own money, let alone others. If your drawdowns are minimal and/or you handle them with a cool head, I would say you have what it takes. 

    Also keep in mind the flip side of that coin, the Terry Bowden syndrome, you start them off with an undefeated year and their expectaions go through the roof. Of course financially speaking that would be a good problem to work through. 


Please no thread format

Posted by mlcraven on 13th of Aug 2008 at 01:36 pm

In case you are keeping tabs, put me down for a no vote on the thread format.  I would recommend remaining vigilant on posters to post into the correct categories. 

Another New Member

Posted by mlcraven on 8th of Aug 2008 at 04:35 pm

There is such a proliferation of free stock blogs around that sites such as Breakpoint must be extraordinary to get folks to reach for the wallet and sign up.  I'm all in for the 6 month special. Great combination of information and education.  I made money these last two free trial weeks (dzz). More importantly, I avoided a few losing trades that I habitually "fall" for thanks to this site.  Looking forward to more of the same.  Thanks to Matt/Dodger for the hard work and dedication to the community.  Have a great weekend! 


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