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RPD ... what a close!

RPD - CyberSecurity

Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 04:07 pm

RPD ... what a close! ... lol ... sometimes you get lucky ...   

SCCO ... nice and smooth ...  

$TNX is having some "Powell"


Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 03:49 pm

$TNX is having some "Powell" movement of that bear flag ... lol 

RPD ... lol

RPD - CyberSecurity

Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 01:30 pm

RPD ... lol



Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 01:27 pm




Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 01:17 pm


I'm looking for a new

LABD 30m/60m

Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 01:09 pm

I'm looking for a new long trade on LABD ... got one on monday ... looking to re-enter it 

Speaking of Natural Gas ...

Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 12:45 pm

Speaking of Natural Gas ... it can be a king maker or a widow maker's volatile ... so excellent for disciplined traders, but as a side note, for those who don't remember ....  you can just read about a local "legend" here in Calgary , Brian Hunter ... who put himself on a map with his Natty trades in the early 2000 by raking it big and being front and center in the energy world ...  then ended up blowing up the whole Amaranth fund not long after with it in 2006 in an Epic blowout that rocked the financial market at the time ...

LABD 60m/30m

LABD 30m/60m

Posted by mla127 on 1st of Feb 2023 at 12:24 pm

LABD 60m/30m

It does provides great trades ... if you have discipline for it ... each of his own i guess ;)   .... i got off the KOLD bandwagon way too early, but those who are still in probably have a different perspective on it ;)  ... but last year UNG/BOIL/KOLD trades has been a good cash cow for me ...   many people trade stuff here I wouldn't trade .. whatever float your boat ;) 

UNG - The grind lower continues ...  this will bonce hard at some point ... but it will probably  kill and dumped most of the bottom pickers before it does ;)  ... #WidowMaker 

They crippled them with low Oil prices back in the 90's ....  if they really wanted to make a dent into Russia's revenues and make them cry uncle quicker than using Ukraine as a pawn, instead of betting on warm weather, they would open the spigot for Oil and Gas drilling EVERYWHERE, including Europe  ...   low energy prices is what would affect them the most ... but that was never the plan  ... it's the war porn stuff that gets them excited ... NATO's wet dream since the 90's ...   combined with the Green utopia and zealotry that took over the west ... lol

Weather drove it down ...

This one is almost a given on earnings now   ...    

SCCO .... trying....This one has

Posted by mla127 on 31st of Jan 2023 at 01:16 pm

SCCO .... trying....This one has proven us it can run ...unfortunately I missed it the last time ...  

MAT ... need more juice


Posted by mla127 on 31st of Jan 2023 at 12:50 pm

MAT ... need more juice ... 

CLOV .... Dumpster diving ...


Posted by mla127 on 31st of Jan 2023 at 12:46 pm

CLOV .... Dumpster diving ...  or probably more like fishing in  the septic tank ... lol 



Posted by mla127 on 31st of Jan 2023 at 12:40 pm


SOYB - Riding it's 50DMA

Posted by mla127 on 31st of Jan 2023 at 12:22 pm

SOYB - Riding it's 50DMA like clockwork 


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