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NILA  ... you either mention

Posted by mla127 on 26th of Mar 2024 at 02:28 pm

NILA  ... you either mention that you are doing AI stuff ...  or that you buy bitcoin and put it on the balance sheet      ...  there's probably more scrutiny and seriousness watching gambling sites then most of the market 

K (Kellanova) Kellogg's snack company

Posted by mla127 on 26th of Mar 2024 at 09:27 am

K (Kellanova) Kellogg's snack company spinoff 

Yeah ... I was  working

DBA - no inflation LOL

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 05:03 pm

Yeah ... I was  working for Nortel back then, I was based in Texas, but was pretty much living on the road for 5 years all over the US ...and  around the time the whole thing was slowly falling apart with this company, from 2000 to 2005.  I was on TN-1 visas, very easy to get, but those are normally for temporary usage ... and non immigrant ...I wanted to be on a path for a green card, but they've been laying off peoples for years, so the company didn't want to proceed with me as it would have obviously gotten rejected; You are laying off people by the thousands ... but eh ... THIS guys is needed    ... I had many friends that their application got rejected because of this ... so they stopped doing it. My wife couldn't work on that VISA either, not that she needed too, but we were thinking about having kids at the time, buying a house etc   and having your whole life depend on a random decision of an immigration officer that stamp  or not that VISA every year was far from ideal, combined that with a failing company! I almost got in with Verizon at the time too ... but again, they were in contract negotiations with their union, although it wasn't a unionized position, they didn't want to get anyone on VISA during that time ... something came up here so we decided to go back to Canada ... We loved it in the US ... wasn't my first choice to come back, I actually didn't want to come back  ... but the circumstances pushed me to ... which is why we decided to come to Calgary ...  close to the mountains and the least taxes you can pay overall if you have to live here ...    

I'm in Calgary :D ....

DBA - no inflation LOL

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 04:23 pm

I'm in Calgary :D .... hence the Oil Kingdom reference ... ;) cool to know i;m not alone from AB here :D   i'm originally from Quebec ... so I know a thing or two about criminal taxation level   

Yes I am ... living

DBA - no inflation LOL

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 04:05 pm

Yes I am ... living in the Oil Kingdom of Kanukistan  ...    lived 5 years in the US ...   came back as the VISA thing was getting complicated .... if I only knew it would be so easy to stay now   

Yeah ... same here ...

DBA - no inflation LOL

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 03:16 pm

Yeah ... same here ... eating out is getting ridiculously pricey now ...   and if you drink, it's even worst ....  as it's taxed to death up here ...  ...  Like Mr Wonderful said way back ...  rich people drink the good stuff ...  everybody else drink taxes ... 

Since we can't go down significantly anymore ... why limiting yourself on the upside ...    go big ...  you don't want to be like BOA that put in a target on SMCI that got hit a couple hours after ...   

Might start looking at hedging

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 02:42 pm

Might start looking at hedging some of my Core energy positions now  with some inverse ETF ...  it start to feel a bit overextended in the energy sector  ... but if we do get a decent pullback, i'm definitely looking at adding more down the road ... weekly and more so monthly charts in my names are looking very good  

Too bad we don't have

DBA - no inflation LOL

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 11:35 am

Too bad we don't have that Coffee ETN anymore .... this looks rip for a nice move! ... 

exactly ... lol ...  same

DBA - no inflation LOL

Posted by mla127 on 25th of Mar 2024 at 11:21 am

exactly ... lol ...  same goes with Oil and Gasoline ... Natty and El Nino provided a break ... but beside that it's up ...  they'll need to massage those numbers even more to make it fit the narrative ...  

Your timing was perfect Morton! ...

ANF ... looks like i'm not the only one here who wants a stab at shorting at this one ....   

UGA - Charting those long

Posted by mla127 on 23rd of Mar 2024 at 05:26 pm

UGA - Charting those long term is distorting the reality of the underlying ...but  still ... nice looking chart !   Cash and Fuel ...     


Posted by mla127 on 23rd of Mar 2024 at 05:23 pm


FCG - Although the daily ran up quite a bit already ..... Weekly and more so monthly looks very promising for a very big move later on .... 


Posted by mla127 on 23rd of Mar 2024 at 05:15 pm


Cars  :  TSLA, F, GM,

Posted by mla127 on 22nd of Mar 2024 at 12:19 pm

Cars  :  TSLA, F, GM, STLA, RACE  ... Didn't include TM, too gappy

Maybe because If you have

Weed ripping again...

Posted by mla127 on 22nd of Mar 2024 at 10:41 am

Maybe because If you have to live under Trudeau's regime and excessive taxation ... that's one way to deal with it ....  ?   

KOLD /  ... Another bearish inventory yesterday ... Forecast was +5B, and we got +7B injection  ... Inventory are ballooning and we are  in shoulder season ... There's probably a lot of that already priced in, but 2 months of low prices could be good for KOLD / just on the contract roll alone ... of rolling into higher price contract that goes down  until the next roll ...  etc...   but at this level, any slightly positive news can send the widow maker into a violent pop IMHO ...  good to be short for now, but don't overstay your welcome I guess and more so ... use a stop ... lol  

Ditto ... 

I'll be leaving about 8:15

Posted by mla127 on 22nd of Mar 2024 at 10:19 am

Ditto ... 


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