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EBAY - Earning gap closed,

Posted by mla127 on 11th of Feb 2018 at 02:26 pm

EBAY - Earning gap closed, nice hammer on support ...  

CNBC ... market in turmoil

Posted by mla127 on 8th of Feb 2018 at 12:30 pm

CNBC ... market in turmoil ? LOL ....they are sending a notification at every 100pts drop  on the Dow..... ok we get it .... lol 

SPX - Hitting the 50ma

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Feb 2018 at 11:18 am

SPX - Hitting the 50ma  + 10min rising wedge with divergence ...something to keep in mind

GBTC ... this is another

GBTC Updated View

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Feb 2018 at 09:42 am

GBTC ... this is another one of the "Know what you own" kinda thing   ...   if you want to play the crypto space and BTC in particular, better play it with the real thing that this screwed up fund with a crazy a$$ premium on it that trades on the OTC to boot  ...   just sayin' ...    and even more so considering BTC trades 24/7 .... you can be in for quite a gap if there's big overnight action or over a weekend ...  HUGE risk IMHO ... crypto can move fast ... faster than VIX sometimes ... lol

The XIV Saga ... good

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Feb 2018 at 09:08 am

The XIV Saga ... good reads

Howard Lindzon has been really open and honest on his play with XIV ...   lots of good info and links ...  What freaks me out a bit about this whole saga, is without me being on vacation, this would have been me ... I've played this countless times over the past 3-4 yearsm shorting volatility... almost like a carry trade   ....  it's actually been a "easy money press" kinda thing for me ... (and for many others, retail and institutional as we all know)    i've made a REALLY good amount of money on this, and I admit, I would have probably got sucked in to this on Monday if I wouldn't have been on vacation the past two weeks, trying to get synced in on what's going on    ...  I never played it disproportionately in my portfolio, but nonetheless,  it would have been a total loss ...   Lesson learned ... try to dig in further into what i'm trading and holding overnight ;)

Credit Suisse to Stop Trading $XIV on February 20th, 2018 — But Don’t Worry — They Didn’t Lose Any Money

Inside Wall Street's $8 Billion VIX Time Bomb

Howard Lindzon :  I Was Struck

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Feb 2018 at 02:05 pm

Howard Lindzon : 

I Was Struck by a Black Swan and of Course Markets in Turmoil


SVXY and  halted too

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Feb 2018 at 09:37 am

SVXY and  halted too .... RIP Short Vix ....  

Coming back from a 2 weeks vacation ...

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Feb 2018 at 12:00 am

Coming back from a 2 weeks vacation ...  went all cash on all accounts before leaving as I would have limited internet access ....  come back this weekend ...  try to get caught up ... market in a tail spin, Short VIX ETN blowing up ....   you guys throw a hell of a party without me looks like  ....   Laughing


Posted by mla127 on 16th of Jan 2018 at 09:51 am


AMZN ... I didn't expect


Posted by mla127 on 15th of Jan 2018 at 04:21 pm

AMZN ... I didn't expect a something this clean ....    

OSTK - Taking half off


Posted by mla127 on 8th of Jan 2018 at 02:25 pm

OSTK - Taking half off ....  what a run !!!! 

OSTK ... Beast Mode =


Posted by mla127 on 5th of Jan 2018 at 11:35 am

OSTK ... Beast Mode = ON   .... tackling new highs ... 

AMD - Not sure how

Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 03:50 pm

AMD - Not sure how much juice is left on this trade ....   long term, it was an nice bounce off support, but short term, it does look topish i think 

OSTK - Update ... an


Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 03:35 pm

OSTK - Update ... an online retailer with a side of crypto to it ...   REALLY nice trade so far


Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 02:08 pm


F & GM update

F / GM

Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 02:05 pm

F & GM update

Russia (RSX) ... a good

Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 11:46 am

Russia (RSX) ... a good Oil Proxy.  Forgot to keep an eye on it ...  could have been played with RUSL to spice things up 

WIX ... C&H pattern 

Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 09:35 am

WIX ... C&H pattern 


Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 12:07 am


QCOM (Monthly/Daily)

Posted by mla127 on 4th of Jan 2018 at 12:07 am

QCOM (Monthly/Daily)


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