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USO 2hrs : (SCO)  ......carry on ....   now that 50 clearly broke on crude  ....  there's a whole new playing field in the 40's ....  weak stuff getting weaker ... 

Traders and the santa rally

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 03:53 pm

Traders and the santa rally this year...... 

The santa rally everyone was

finally Vix spiking

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 03:44 pm

The santa rally everyone was hoping for is looking like more and more like the bear run that will flush  things out into year end .... 

USO 2hrs ... (SCO) weak stuff getting weaker ... prey on the weak ...  

ASHR - China A-Shares

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 02:02 pm

ASHR - China A-Shares


Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 02:01 pm


USO 2hrs ...  just need a little more push to get this rollin' ....  

OIH ... LOWER than the

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 01:39 pm

OIH ... LOWER than the 2008 lows ....  that's how bad it is for this sector ... 

Shredding more dip buyers every

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 01:04 pm

Shredding more dip buyers every day ...  

I know I like it as a possible long if Oil pulls a cliff hanger move and doesn't crater 

MU : This is nowhere

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 10:28 am

MU : This is nowhere the kind of market to try to pick a bottom ... but this is something I watch for sure on Micron ...  

TLT Monthly  .... tasty ! 

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 10:17 am

TLT Monthly  .... tasty ! 

TAL Nice flag with 50MA

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Dec 2018 at 10:16 am

TAL Nice flag with 50MA support ....  impressive in the trashy market ... 

USO 2hrs : Looks like it's getting ready to break   ....  downtrend to resume? 

Like many here ... I've

Posted by mla127 on 14th of Dec 2018 at 02:49 pm

Like many here ... I've been worn out by this market and had slowed my trading down to a small fraction of what I used to do normally ....  this massive chop is useless for most traders unless you day trade ...  majority will get churned out to death more than anything else ... this market is total sh*** ... so I wouldn't  waste time trying to trade this unless you have an intraday time horizon for now ...      that's my two cents ....  on this,  have a good weekend ...  :D 

USO ...  pattern still in play ...  oil is weak and has been leading on the downside ... if this breakdown, I think it will bring a lot of them  with it ... 


Posted by mla127 on 14th of Dec 2018 at 10:05 am


USO 2hrs .... little tease of a breakdown ... then bounced off that lower trend line ... 

Maximum gyration again ...  those who can still hold up their breakfast and diner from last night ....  carry on ....  lol 

USO 2hr : Getting ready to cave in again ...  SCO might provide a good trade here ...  


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