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"Gap & Crap" kind of

Posted by mla127 on 10th of Mar 2020 at 09:44 am

"Gap & Crap" kind of day ?  ... I'm really not a fan of setup like today where it gap up big after a big down day that closed at or near the low ... 

HAL ....  What a plunge

Posted by mla127 on 10th of Mar 2020 at 09:25 am

HAL ....  What a plunge ....  Even Ebola got more love than this .... 

I checked my calendar today

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 04:11 pm

I checked my calendar today to make sure it was 2020 and not 2008 ....   I figured I may have screwed up  my time change badly this weekend ....  

SPX Monthly ....   on

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 04:08 pm

SPX Monthly ....   on the monthly, it still nicely in a uptrend ... as brutal as it's been recently ...

would be nice .... we are more into the smack-down Monday these days ... 

They also stick it to

Put/Call 1.89 last reading

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 12:09 pm

They also stick it to the US Shall plays which has also been bugging them for awhile now, so two big birds with one deadly stone!  ....  they will sure slow down the growth there and make it hard to impossible to finance new projects in the short term ...   Junk bond markets is littered with energy plays ... this should get interesting as some go bust ....  and some bigger players will get even bigger on the cheap!  Not sure how long the Saudis can keep this up ... they need the cash too and more so has been burning through it at a good pace, especially since the war in Yemen started ...and  it's another regime that needs to buy social peace with freebies to avoid loosing control on their population  ...  we'll see how this goes ....  interesting time for sure! 

I can't wait to get

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 10:12 am

I can't wait to get a free day from Stockcharts on this ....  so exciting!  little things like this go a long way navigating through chaos!  

The bid ask is wild

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 10:05 am

The bid ask is wild on so many things ....  anyone using a market order right now would most likely qualify for try out at the next  darwin awards   ... 

I think we need another

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 10:02 am

I think we need another  rate cut ....   The market obviously didn't get the memo about the last one ... 

Stockcharts down ...  shocking ....

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Mar 2020 at 09:54 am

Stockcharts down ...  shocking ....  they are probably patching the Windows 95 server it runs on .... 

and xanax ....   lol 

The only thing stopping this

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Mar 2020 at 03:02 pm

The only thing stopping this today will be the bell ....   or a circuit breaker .... lol 

Two turn around Friday in

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:51 am

Two turn around Friday in a row?  ..... this is a new thing now ....  Forget the turn around Tuesday thingy ... they are so out  ....    

Those who think Gold is

GLD Updated Views

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:43 am

Those who think Gold is a safety trade ....  I guess they got reminded again that treasuries are the real one ...  

Treasuries trades like cryptos ... lol ...  insane moves 

Oil ...  in the 43's

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Mar 2020 at 10:11 am

Oil ...  in the 43's now ....  that escalated quickly ....   no OPEC deals seems like ....    

Good morning .... 

Posted by mla127 on 6th of Mar 2020 at 09:55 am

Good morning .... 


Posted by mla127 on 5th of Mar 2020 at 11:00 pm


ASHR / $SSEC  : Who

Posted by mla127 on 5th of Mar 2020 at 10:43 pm

ASHR / $SSEC  : Who would have thought that buying the Chinese  A-Shares or Shanghai stock index could be a good bet against the Chinese economy grinding to a halt? ... lol ...   I know the USD falling.... but still ...   it's not even subtle anymore  ...  Is PBOC buying it all and make it illegal to sell over there?  this thing is almost back to previous high ...   

Having fun yet?     

Posted by mla127 on 5th of Mar 2020 at 03:59 pm

Having fun yet?     


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