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I wish I would have said .... "yeah ... Super size me" on this trade ...     


MCD ... I guess there's a limit at you much ...

Posted by mla127 on 28th of May 2024 at 10:34 am


VIX dipped bellow 12 ...

Posted by mla127 on 24th of May 2024 at 03:28 pm

VIX dipped bellow 12 ...  

Skynet rebooted a server ...

SPX 5 min tightly coiled

Posted by mla127 on 24th of May 2024 at 03:06 pm

Skynet rebooted a server ... pouufff .... bid's gone ...     

SPX 10m ... ooopss ....  

SPX 10m ... nice setup

Posted by mla127 on 24th of May 2024 at 01:26 pm

SPX 10m ... nice setup for a great EOD Ramp .... #BTFD ...  lol 

or ... selling more cloths

EBAY Updated

Posted by mla127 on 24th of May 2024 at 12:22 pm

or ... selling more cloths ....   like ANF ...   

yeah ...CIFR look VERY similar indeed! thx ... i'll look into it ...

They do it in Canada with the NEO exchange that they bought, which is now CBOE Canada  ...  they have a nice products with many the popular individual listing that are currency hedged ... so for those who don't have USD accounts, you can trade/invest in the big names without getting dinged on the currency side ...  

IREN ... took some off yesterday ... now i;m taking all of it off on this Bonus day ...  ... 

$BTCUSD ... nice back testing

Posted by mla127 on 24th of May 2024 at 10:35 am

$BTCUSD ... nice back testing ...watching for price to bounce from here ... 

I think the EOD paint

Ramp into the close? 

Posted by mla127 on 23rd of May 2024 at 03:42 pm

I think the EOD paint job won't be as nice as usual ... ...  Looks like skynet has too many servers offline today ...   

NVDA be like .... come

Posted by mla127 on 23rd of May 2024 at 02:55 pm

NVDA be like .... come on slackers ... can't always do it all on my own ... 

ANF ... forget AI,  chips

Posted by mla127 on 23rd of May 2024 at 12:57 pm

ANF ... forget AI,  chips and tech ... Joggers & T's are the new hot things on wall street  ...      ... Report Next Wed before the close ...   they are definitely in a world of their own as far as clothing retailer ...   

VIX barely 12 ... the

Posted by mla127 on 23rd of May 2024 at 11:31 am

VIX barely 12 ... the only fear out there is the fear of missing out ...  

Long right now ...

BA - lost a wing

Posted by mla127 on 23rd of May 2024 at 11:26 am

Long right now ...

UNG ... .03 from it's 200dma ....     


Posted by mla127 on 23rd of May 2024 at 10:46 am


Inventory trend ...

Inventory +78BCF (Forecast +84) ...   this is probably already baked in this week's rally ...  #Widowmaker 


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