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WPG - nice one Steve!

WPG coiled

Posted by mla127 on 9th of Jun 2021 at 01:01 am

WPG - nice one Steve!   Definitely something to watch tomorrow ....    this one is a lawsuit magnet from what I can see ...   

TGB / Copper miner

Posted by mla127 on 8th of Jun 2021 at 03:51 pm

TGB / Copper miner (BC and AZ) ... so no Peru exposure ;) 


Posted by mla127 on 8th of Jun 2021 at 03:43 pm


YELP .... missed it ....  

ETSY ... still in a bearish configuration ... 

bad trade ... lol ...  one of many ... ;)   Small caps are super strong ... and reversal lasted a few mins ... anyway, daily is really nice !

FCX ...  nice setup, but

Posted by mla127 on 8th of Jun 2021 at 01:08 pm

FCX ...  nice setup, but the election in peru aren't over yet I think ...   at least  i couldn't find who won yet ... lol 

TZA / IWM ...  poked some this morning ...  we'll see where this goes ...

$WTIC Monthly .... Very sloppy

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Jun 2021 at 10:42 pm

$WTIC Monthly .... Very sloppy chart ... but interesting reversals happened around the the 200MMA  ...and the low to mid 70$ is also good resistance ... considering where this come from ... maybe this could be an area to pause and retrace a bit ?


Posted by mla127 on 7th of Jun 2021 at 08:09 pm


ARKQ - A couple of

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Jun 2021 at 04:47 pm

ARKQ - A couple of the ARK funds are looking similar chart wise, all close to or at their  50MA ... anyway, this one looks decent I think ...

IWM ... Watching two things

Posted by mla127 on 7th of Jun 2021 at 12:24 pm

IWM ... Watching two things on it ... daily and Hourly via TZA ... 2 scenarios ... we could have a false breakout here too ... something to keep in mind I guess

TZA 60m (IWM Daily) ...

Posted by mla127 on 28th of May 2021 at 03:19 pm

TZA 60m (IWM Daily) ... something to watch if IWM can't make it through it's upper trend line ... 

STLD ... 

ETSY ...  added a few extra shorts on it too ...  so far so good ... 

CRSR - Stuck under it's


Posted by mla127 on 28th of May 2021 at 03:09 pm

CRSR - Stuck under it's 50DMA ...  added some short on it ....

The whole thing has been

AMC follow up

Posted by mla127 on 28th of May 2021 at 10:05 am

The whole thing has been turned into a massive Draft King  ... lol ...  just between the "gamification"of it and the insane amount of liquidity thrown out by the fed ... it's surprising we don't even see more of this  ...  ;) ... 

YELP ...  every time I

Posted by mla127 on 28th of May 2021 at 12:35 am

YELP ...  every time I look at the ticker, I'm like .... this thing still exist?  ... anyway ... nice chart .... 

ETSY ...  we'll see if this goes or if I'll get stopped out 

STLD ...  many steel stocks

Posted by mla127 on 27th of May 2021 at 09:55 am

STLD ...  many steel stocks looking good as mentioned by others here ...   here's another one to watch ... like clockwork 


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