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Futures strategies

Posted by mellis on 17th of Feb 2009 at 12:43 pm

Matt and Steve,

I have noticed you both seem to trade the ES. Do you have any particular stategies or indicators you use to trade the futures or are you just trading support and resistance. I have just started trading futures and am looking to not get killed and hopefully I can get some advice from you guys since you do such a great job at TA in the reqular markets. Thanks in advance.

PS. If anyone else has some advice or strategies that are working for them, I would appreciate anything they have to offer as well.


Posted by mellis on 16th of Feb 2009 at 10:34 pm

I was doing some research on using MTM. They say the IRS wants you to be a full time trader to qualify. Have you found the same to be true? I currently work from home at a full time job and day trade as well. By having a full time job, I got the impression I would not qualify or they would give me a hard time. Have you found anything that explains this?


Thanks for the advice, RP.

Posted by mellis on 10th of Feb 2009 at 09:50 pm

Thanks for the advice, RP. Very informative.

RP's banks

Posted by mellis on 10th of Feb 2009 at 04:07 pm

RP, would you recommenct shorting your favorite banks here again, STI, FITB and RF?

What is your target for

SPX 10 min observations

Posted by mellis on 10th of Feb 2009 at 01:59 pm

What is your target for the ABC bounce, Matt?


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